There are four kinds of bees endemic to the Plymouth area. Honey bees, mason bees, carpenter bees, and bumble bees all live here. They’re important pollinators who play a critical role in preserving biodiversity. That being said, you really don’t want them living in your house, garage, or other outbuildings.
If you or anyone in your family is allergic to bees, the sight of a swarm can be a terrifying experience. However, take heart. Bees generally don’t want to bother you – they’re far more interested in establishing a home, gathering food, and raising the next generation of bees. However, they can cause damage to your property and they would be happier and safer living somewhere else. Luckily, Plymouth bee removal services can remove all types of bees from your home quickly, efficiently, and without chemicals that are harmful to you or your pets.
What about wasps, hornets, and yellow jackets? Wasps, hornets, and yellow jackets resemble bees, but they’re very different in terms of behavior and attitude. You can expect more aggressive behavior from these insects, although they are generally less numerous than bees.
In either case, your Plymouth pest control service is the one to call for bee removal and problem insect control. Don’t even bother with the spray cans of insect killer you can get at the hardware store: the application process is entirely too hit-and-miss at a distance to be effective, and many of the chemicals involved are fairly toxic.
The bee removal process is very straightforward. A technician arrives, completes the necessary inspections, identifies where the bees are located, and, depending on the species involved, removes them from your property or eliminates them. This can all be accomplished without your direct involvement, and generally is a fairly quick process. Afterward, the technician will advise you on ways it may be possible to prevent the problem from recurring.
Our certified pest experts will work with you to find the best solution for your needs. Simply fill out this form for a free, no-obligation estimate.

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(781) 746-7393
Combat Pest Control
800 Franklin St Hanson, MA 02341
Hanson, MA 02341
(781) 746-7393
Combat Pest Control
800 Franklin St Hanson, MA 02341
Hanson, MA 02341
(781) 746-7393