“I was saying to my Mother that I didn’t know what was going on with our floor tiles. They keep coming up out of place, and it kind of seems like the floor is buckling a little bit.” Jenna shook her head and sighed. “That’s when she said, “My girl, you’ve got termites.” My husband thinks my Mom is crazy. So how do I tell if the house has termites or not?”
When you’re worried your house has termites, you’ll want to look for the following signs of termite activity. Termites leave evidence of their activity everywhere they go, which is generally inside the walls, under the floors, and over the ceiling.
Signs of termite damage involving the floor: squeaky floorboards, floor tiles that won’t stay down, buckling wooden or laminate floorboards.
Signs of termite damage involving the walls: Staining or discoloration of the drywall, peeling paint, many small tiny holes – the size of a pinpoint, walls may sag or droop
Signs of termite damage involving the ceiling: Staining or discoloration, drooping
Another common sign of termite activity you’ll want to watch for is difficulty opening or closing doors and windows. And, of course, you may actually see the termites themselves. After swarming, termites lose their wings, which will be left in your home. Termites leave droppings and sometimes build small tube-like structures out of the mud.
If you see evidence of termite activity in your home, you’ll want to call in Combat Pest Control for termite control right away. And if you don’t see the evidence, or if you’re not sure, but you have suspicions that you might have termites, call the pest control professionals in Plymouth and have them do an inspection. This will tell you for sure whether you have termites or not – and if you do, you have the right professionals immediately on the scene to begin addressing the problem.
Our certified pest experts will work with you to find the best solution for your needs. Simply fill out this form for a free, no-obligation estimate.

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(781) 746-7393
Combat Pest Control
800 Franklin St Hanson, MA 02341
Hanson, MA 02341
(781) 746-7393
Combat Pest Control
800 Franklin St Hanson, MA 02341
Hanson, MA 02341
(781) 746-7393