Whether you’re concerned about pests damaging your home, the property you manage or oversee, or your business location, taking action promptly is essential. Many different types of pests can cause damage to your home. Termites definitely have a reputation for chewing up houses, but they’re far from the only problem insect. Carpenter ants do a lot of damage as they tunnel through wooden beams and boards, seeking a place to lay their eggs. Mice, rats, and squirrels can wreak all kinds of havoc in the house. Here’s what you need to do in order to stop your property from being damaged by wild animals:
Monitor Your Property & Identify Problem Areas
The primary reason pests can cause a lot of damage is no one notices what’s going on until it’s much too late. Protect your property from all kinds of hazards by developing the habit of doing a weekly inspection. This is simply a walk around your home’s exterior, looking for anything that’s not right – perhaps it’s a cracked basement window that’s letting pests indoors – as well as signs of insect or animal activity. Inside your home, do a walk-through looking for droppings, damage, or other signs that you’re sharing your home with pests.
Take Action Promptly – Get Professional Pest Control Services Right Away
When you know there are pests in the home, take action promptly. There’s no sense waiting for pests just to go away – once they find a hospitable environment, they’re there to stay. Property damage escalates quickly. This is because what seems like a small problem – let’s say some termites chewing around a windowsill – will contribute to larger, more expensive problems, such as excessive moisture and rainwater coming into contact with the wooden structure of your building made vulnerable by termites. Wood rots when it gets wet. It’s also a prime condition for mold and mildew development. These are not problems you want to have. Protect the value of your property. Reach out to Combat Pest Control for home pest control and commercial pest control in Plymouth right away.
Our certified pest experts will work with you to find the best solution for your needs. Simply fill out this form for a free, no-obligation estimate.

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(781) 746-7393
Combat Pest Control
800 Franklin St Hanson, MA 02341
Hanson, MA 02341
(781) 746-7393
Combat Pest Control
800 Franklin St Hanson, MA 02341
Hanson, MA 02341
(781) 746-7393