Having bugs in your house can be extremely upsetting. We totally understand the impulse to get a can of bug spray and start blasting away any time you have a creepy-crawly in the house. But if you have dogs, cats, rabbits, ferrets, or other small household pets, you need to be extremely careful when choosing bug spray.
Understanding Insecticide & Insecticide Toxicity
As Plymouth pest control professionals, we’ve learned more about insecticides than the average person. Let’s begin with the basics – an insecticide is a substance used for killing insects. Insecticides can be made up of many different ingredients, some of which are incredibly toxic for dogs, cats, and other pets. When your pets are exposed to toxic insecticides, they can become very sick and even die.
It is for this reason that we urge you to read the ingredients list of any bug spray you’re going to use before you use it. Check these ingredients online to make sure they’re not toxic for dogs or cats. Some of the most dangerous ingredients for dogs include Carbamate insecticides, d-Limonene, Methoxychlor, and Pyrethrins or pyrethroids. Cats are even more sensitive to insecticides, including products that are created to be safe for dogs.
Please read labels and do research before using any insecticide in an area where your pets will be. Additionally, many of these products include warning not to let any animals enter the area for a prolonged period of time after the product has been used. Please follow these advisories!
Pet Safe Pest Removal
If the idea of making your pet sick to get rid of pests in the house is stressing you out, make the process simple by reaching out to us for professional home pest control or commercial pest control, and let us handle your pest removal needs. We will ask about your entire family, including the animals in your home. All products used to eliminate pests are chosen to keep your family and pets safe.
Our certified pest experts will work with you to find the best solution for your needs. Simply fill out this form for a free, no-obligation estimate.

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(781) 746-7393
Combat Pest Control
800 Franklin St Hanson, MA 02341
Hanson, MA 02341
(781) 746-7393
Combat Pest Control
800 Franklin St Hanson, MA 02341
Hanson, MA 02341
(781) 746-7393